Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Remember when I said yesterday (or was it this morning?) that due dates don't mean anything? I was right. Only when I wrote that I had no idea what that really meant. Guess why I am still awake at 1:00 a.m.? That right - this evening (yesterday evening) at 6:00 pm our new little one arrived!!!! Baby Esther came 3 weeks early healthy and beautiful. Needless to say I am still awake while everyone is peacefully sleeping because I am utterly and completely overwhelmed - I had a baby with nary a newborn diaper in the house. How very silly is that!!! I will post pictures and details later - if my sweetie finds me out of bed I will be in trouble - he is committed to keeping my down for three days - I don't envy his task - that seems like a long time to be in bed!!!! I will sneak some pictures on some time today after some sleep!!!


Simply Stork said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! It's a girl :o) you were right :o) I did notice no blue binkies in you last post(lol)

I had a feeling it was coming have been on my heart...Horrah's time for a visit:o)


Simply Stork said...

p.s. Maybe your hubby will let you use the lap-top so you can keep up with your bloggidy friends who are dying to see a pic of the new little one :o)

Unknown said...

Congratulations! And wow... do you feel all dicombobulated with this new one coming so soon? I love her name! How big is she? Do you need any help to catch up on anything if so let me and simply know! again congratulations!!! Get some rest and we will be looking for those pictures!