Hmmm - this is the thing - I don't have any answers for Becky!!! Honestly - some days I can really buckle down and get a goal completed and others I just fly from one thing to another like a dizzy bumblebee!! Some days the little ones are very needy and it seems like nothing on my list gets checked off except getting out of bed (and some of those days I kinda wish I didn't have too :0)!!!) - and then there are days that they are all happily doing something on their own and I get my listed completed and then some. But most of the time I have big ideas and then I have to trim my goals to fit real life!!
Spring break was last week and I really had plans to Spring clean my whole house - but reality set in and I got about half of it done - the rest was tidied and decluttered by the end of the weekend. So really even though I didn't reach my goal I am satisfied with what I did get done!!!
I started by treating myself to some pretty smelling cleaners. Normally I don't buy this kind of stuff - instead making a lot of my own - but I knew I would be inspired to keep going with the pretty, clean scent filling the house - I even treated myself to some ironing spray - a real luxury!!
I gave the kids jobs to do and believe it or not - most of the time they thought it was fun!! When it got to hard too keep them happy I sent them outside to play or set them up with a game in their room.
So that's it - my plan for getting stuff done - just setting my mind and doing it :0) - nothing fancy - no charts or day planners or anything. And if the truth be known - I probably missed something important while I was washing walls - but I had fun doing what I did!!!
Now that's what my house needs. A good ol' cleaning :-)
Don't you find that if you give a child a squirt bottle, they will spray and clean to their hearts content?
NO, NO, please don't go there yet. I'm so not ready!
Hi Beautiful Friend! Sure wish you were close by! I know we'd be great buds! You sure made me feel good with this post! Mainly because so often I fall short of accomplishing all I'd like to in my home. My friends here tell me I do a great job, but we are our own worst critics, you know? I just love your sweet spirit, and know in my heart that you are a great Mom and wife. Your family is blessed indeed! Know you feel great about getting so much done, too!! I have been working on a creative space for me and Maddy and only have a few small things left to do!! YAY for us!!
Please pray for me this week! I am having some weird sensations along my right side, and am beginning to look into it today. Plus, I took a bad spill on Saturday morning that I am recovering from! Fun, fun, fun!! God knows, and has given me His peace. I'll keep you updated!
Lots of love,
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