Normally this time of year we have storm after storm roll through and the idea of going outside to work in the yard is unthinkable. But this year is different - thanks to the warm ocean current "El Nino" that visits our coast occasionally, this is how I have been able to spend my afternoons this week. As we have had an extraordinarily balmy and dry January, Spring Fever has hit early for me this year.
Yesterday afternoon was spent digging up my front perennial bed - cleaning it all out and pruning back the roses.
Don't let the praises of balmy weather fool you though - after a little while my helpers made a beeline for the house - it's a bit chilly to stay out too long for the little ones!! (although I know that our weather would seem like the tropics to anyone living in the east this year!!)
WARM Blessings,
Is that Essie? Oh my!! She's so big and looks like a little lady!
Beautiful of course :-)
That is so cool about the manatees!! I'll see if I have some other good shots from the last trip and send you the link. They come into the spring because the water is warmer than the river. And that is the St. Johns River which is strange because it flows south to north!! Weird huh?
You amaze me gal with all you accomplish!! Love your helpers AND have veggie garden envy! Forgive me Lord!! One of these days I will have a BIG garden and some chickens...hopefully!!
Blessings sweetie!! Love ya!
Oh my, i see why you didn't think i should look...i will try not to be too envious...count your blessings, next time, it may be you.
Have a great and warm, almost tropical week...i will think of you outside, while i am iced in with children, cats, and dogs, i am lucky the chickens don't want in...the bunny is asleep in Ashleys'room
Hi Sweetie!! Here is that link I told you about:
That day there were a lot more manatees close enough for photos!! Enjoy!
Love ya!
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