Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Chocolate Cure

What do you do when you've got an armful of feverish, sickly baby?
And a couchful of feverish, sickly kids (4 down - 2 to go in this house), and nothing but grey, deary rain outside?
You go in the kitchen - make a big mess - stirring up a concoction in a mug - put it in the microwave for a minute.....
And take the Chocolate Cure!!!
Don't forget the glass of milk!!!
Beware - this definitely is NOT diet friendly, gluten free, fat free or something to count on Weight Watcher points.  But it IS yummy, satisfying and makes a dreary, sick kid filled day very doable :)!!  I almost wish I had not discovered these mug cakes on the Internet - it's oh sooo tempting.


Okay - this may be silly but I am editing this to quickly add - I did make chicken soup and tea for my poor sick kiddies - hahaha - I didn't want anyone to think I didn't take of the sad, sickly little ones


Simply Stork said...

uh oh...sorry for the sickness friend. i shall keep you all in my prayers tonight.


Unknown said...

Oh, I'm sorry you have sick kids! We've had our fair share this year too....even hubby was sick 3 times and he NEVER gets sick! Praying your "chocolate cure" worked it for you or the sickies? :) Praying for healing and health to fill your home!!! {{{HUGS}}}

Lynn Wayson Koehler said...

When confronted with a house full of sick children, after suppressing the urge to grab a few things and run away, your solution sounds like a great one! I think I will "google" mug cake. These sound like something fun that my grandchildren would just love! I hope everyone gets to feeling better and that the sun comes out to warm your spirits!