Thanksgiving Day is a memory (except for maybe those extra calories I consumed!!) but not the thanksgiving in my heart!!
A new season is beginning - the celebration of the birth of our Savior!! What an amazing time of year - to go from a time of thanksgiving to weeks of celebrating Jesus' birth!!
Truly an entire season of celebrating God's provision - from our daily needs - to the deepest needs of our souls!!
Our Advent calendar is up
Only one lonely sheepie so far - but before we know it - it will be filled with all the characters of the
true life story of Jesus' first hours here as a man
And as for our celebration with gifts to our loved ones - my crochet hook has been busy!!! I have quite a bit more to do - and as a surprise a couple of my older boys have suggested homemade gifts from me (I thought they were not wanting things like that anymore) - so my hands and hooks are zooming along - trying to take advantage of every moment to add rows!!!
I love this season - the excitement is building - preparations are in the works - sweet secrets are whispered about and hiding places are guarded. Festive decorations are being unearthed and yummy treats are anticipated. All to remember what God has done for us!!!
Can you imagine what heaven was like as the day drew near for Jesus to be born? The breathless silence as Mary labored and birthed that amazing baby? The burst of joy as that sweet puddle of a newborn gave His first cry? The angels swept down to earth to sing their hearts out - heaven wanted to share their joy at the fact the God's plan was in motion - to bring us to a place of close communion with HIM!! My heart is overwhelmed at the thought!!!
So when I get stressed at the busyness and obligations of this time - I want to commit to remembering what this is really all about. HIS plan to bring me into a relationship with Him was born that day in His Son. Amazing Joy!!!!