Monday, March 2, 2009

Simple Monday

FOR TODAY March 2, 2009...

Outside my window... One minute sunshine is pouring in my window and the next it's dark, dark, dark. It's also very blustery one minute and calm and quiet the next - although I can see the clouds up high just flying past. March coming in like a lion for sure :0)

I am thinking...About the meeting/date my husband I are having this evening. We are having this time to make sure we are on the same page in parenting, scheduling, budgeting, our relationship etc. It's been a while since we've had this kind of "Check-up" and it's overdue. Marriages take windy roads and sometimes the path is rough and even rocky. Our path is just a bit rough right now - so these times together are really great!!

I am thankful for...the light coming earlier and earlier in the mornings. It's so much easier to get up!! Also, I've been thinking about all the riches I really have - A wonderful home with a yard to garden and play in, eight healthy children and an amazing husband who cooks for me on the weekends. I've been greatly blessed!!!

From the learning rooms...We're starting a unit on eyes and ears and a unit on American folk tales. Should be fun!!

From the kitchen...For dinner tonight - meat loaf, red potatoes, veggies and salad. Homemade whole wheat bread and honey and fruit for lunch.

I am wearing...denim skirt, coral colored top, my favorite slippers and a squishy, sleepy baby (so any typos would be because this is all done one handed)

I am creating...Still working on that doily - I'm almost done - I only get about 5 minutes a day to work on this so it's slow - but I'm loving how its turning out!!

I am going...To take my second oldest for a haircut - Yahoo!! Hopefully, it will a more than a trim!! I miss the days when he let me do it!!

I am reading...II Corinthians and recipe books for new, fresh ideas - I'm in a rut!!

I am hoping...I get time to plant some garden seeds this weekend - mainly some lettuce and some peas.

I am hearing...some chickadees chirping outside my windows - my little boys cleaning up their room (That will take them a while :0)!!

Around the house...Diapers to be washed today - lots of laundry to fold - as always. General tidy-up - although it's not too bad this morning for a change!

One of my favorite things...Old bottles

A few plans for the rest of the week: Not sure yet, just a regular week. I want to get outside and start cleaning up the yard and get my gardens ready for planting if the weather cooperates. It's getting to be time to get peas in the ground. Maybe some spinach and chard as well.

Here are two pictures I'm sharing...My old bottles - they are an antique I can afford to collect :0) (some probably aren't that old but they're fun anyway!) The odd shaped one on my table is one my boys found on the beach in Nicaragua - they thought I would like it and brought it home - that they though of that makes it precious!!

The two clearer bottles are from our 20th anniversary trip last Spring - such good memories - I found them in a cute antique shop for next to nothing. One is greenish colored and the other has rainbow colors in it. The cobalt one a sweet friend gave me when Esther was born.

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