Monday, January 12, 2009

What a mess!!!

Our neighborhood looked like this just a little while ago. Then the jet stream changed practically overnight and brought our winter storms from Hawaii instead of Alaska. So we went from this:

To this in hours - it was weird!!

But that means that rivers that looked like this:

Now look like this (and very much worse - we just didn't want to get in a place where we were stuck!!) BTW the bridge we took that first picture from is now completely under water!! Could not even get close to it there was so much water!!!

And local farmlands that looked like this:

Now look like this (the picture can't show how far that water reaches!! As far as the eye can see)
Whole towns are dealing with water where it isn't supposed to be. Everyone to some degree has been affected - whether it is dealing with limited transportation, extended company (as we had) because people couldn't get home due to quickly rising rivers (our niece just was able to get home yesterday) or homes filled with water. What a mess!! The joys of living in a beautiful area filled with lots of rivers streams and creeks does have its problems at times! This also shows that we are really at the mercy of things far more powerful that us even if we like to think we are in charge. I'm so glad our family knows the One who is Most Powerful - the One who created water and weather and all things. The Amazing thing is - He knows me!!!!


P.S. We are in prayer for those who lost much in these storms - and will help any way we can!!!


Simply Stork said...

I too am quite taken back at all this flooding...It is taking us quite a long time to reach destinations that should be a piece of cake because we need to drive around the washed out roads. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who are impacted by this water.


ps I am glad your niece made it home at last.

dayz in and dayz out... said...

You write so well. I'm thinkin' about a post right now. I think I'll let you and simply cover the flooding...I'm going to tackle clutter :-)


Cinnamon said...

Wow!! Wierd how that can happen so suddenly. Glad you're all safe at home!
